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二零二零年九月,香港中華基督教青年會結束了跟校牧處的合作,校牧處自此經歷了不少變遷。承蒙主恩,在過去兩個充滿挑戰的學年中,無論是實體還是網上模式,我們仍透過不同渠道服侍嶺南校園(如周中崇拜、基督徒團契、基督徒詩班、English Corner、廣東話班、教職員團契等)。即使在疫情下,主仍帶領我們發展出新的事工(例如輔導、宿舍打氣福袋)。有那麼多義工/半義工不辭勞苦地付出時間、投放資源,忠心服侍嶺南校園,實在是我們的福氣,我們盼能回饋他們在嶺南的委身。




Dear friends of Lingnan Chaplain’s Office,


As some of you know, many changes have taken place over the past two years since our partnership with the YMCA ended in September 2020. By the grace of God, we have been able to continue serving the Lingnan community in various ways (e.g. mid-week service, Christian Fellowship, University Choir, English Corner, Cantonese Course, Staff Fellowship and etc.) both in person and online over these past two challenging academic years. In fact we were able to expand some of our services (e.g. counselling, hostel cheer-up packs) over this pandemic season. We are blessed with many faithful volunteers/semi-volunteers who gave their time and resource and we would like to give back to them for their service in Lingnan.


Since we have been working on a limited budget (The only fixed source of funding for 2020-23 is $200,000 a year from the University, we could not afford any full-time minister / staff that are crucial to our ministries.  We are very grateful that God has provided us a temporary full-time administrator from this January through some short-term Government funding but we are still around $100,000 short as this academic year draws to a close. We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our work here in Lingnan as we continue to live “for God, for country, for Lingnan”!

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